S.E.S. – Paradise Lyrics [English, Romanization] Artist Title Album Release Genre S.E.S Paradise Remember - S.E.S. 20th Anniversary Special Album 2017.01.02 Dance English LyricsBaby, it’s a brighter dayAre you just gonna stare at the wall? What’s wrongToday is Friday, come meet meWherever we go, I’ll make you feel better, let’s go together In our livesThere will be much harder things than thisTh..
Hyolyn – Paradise Lyrics [English, Romanization] Artist Title Album Release Genre Hyolyn Paradise IT'S ME 2016.11.08 Dance English LyricsYou’re always wearing a jacket tightlyAnd wouldn’t take your jactket offIt’s perfectEven someone around you tempts youYou’re just “I don’t care” I’m curious, want to checkIf you can push me like othersYou just don’t want to meet someone?If you not, maybe you co..
HELLOVENUS – Paradise Lyrics [English, Romanization] Artist Title Album Release Genre HELLOVENUS Paradise HELLOVENUS X DEVINE CHANNEL Part.2 : Paradise 2016.07.18 Dance English LyricsHey! You, over there, wait!I’m right here, where are you looking?Hey! Stop right there, wait!Don’t move, you wait wait wait Why do my eyes keep going to you?Strangely, I’m shakingI have a good feeling for some reaso..
INFINITE – PARADISE Lyrics [English, Romanization] Artist Title Album Release Genre INFINITE PARADISE `Paradise` (정규 1집 스페셜 리패키지) 2011.09.26 Dance English LyricsBecause my heart is a broken heartI can’t let you go like this, what now?Even if I look shaky and dangerousI can only hold you in, what now?I love you (I’m sure you do too) I won’t do it (you will do it)I will do it, I’m only gonna look ..